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Children’s Book Author And Illustrator

Cute Tortoise Character in Children's Picture Book, How The Tortoise Broke Its Shell, an African Folktale by Vivian Uwakwe

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About The Book

Mbe, the greedy tortoise tries to trick the birds but ends up with an unforgettable lesson instead.

Meet Mbe the Tortoise, a clever and hungry creature who needs help. The kind birds come to his aid, sharing their food and making sure he isn’t hungry anymore. 

But Tortoise comes up with a plan to trick the birds into giving him even more food. Little does he know, his actions will have consequences. 

This book is not only fun to read but important lessons about greed, honesty, humility, and the results of our actions.


African Folktales

Griots, elders, and even parents told these tales during gatherings to entertain and teach valuable life lessons.

With their super fascinating and ancient origin, these stories have passed down through generations, like a precious treasure chest full of cultural wisdom and imagination. 

So many diverse ethnic groups in Africa told their own unique stories, making this treasure trove of folktales a rich tapestry of cultures and beliefs. 

Till this day, these magical stories continue to captivate hearts all over the world, connecting us to Africa’s incredible heritage.

Illustration of African American Children With  Different Skintones by  Vivian Uwakwe

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